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Photo of Victor Hernandez Acuña Costa Rica

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My name is Victor Manuel Hernandez Acuna, 88822853 Mobile Phone live in Cartago, Costa Rica, Central America, born on April 3, 1952, study history and geography at the University of Costa Rica, he also studied Educational Administration, was Academic Director in several schools of Carthage, now retired, I began painting from the year 2004, what I consider a call of the soul, I received the collaboration of painters...

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My name is Victor Manuel Hernandez Acuna, 88822853 Mobile Phone live in Cartago, Costa Rica, Central America, born on April 3, 1952, study history and geography at the University of Costa Rica, he also studied Educational Administration, was Academic Director in several schools of Carthage, now retired, I began painting from the year 2004, what I consider a call of the soul, I received the collaboration of painters Carthaginians as Pico Serrano, Orlando Loch, Hector Olivares, Reyes Portilla and Dini Matamoros.Me inclined to the geometric abstraction, and also sailed in the unconscious trying to find that allow me to flash a pictorial description of the depths of my ser.He participated in group exhibitions as part of the Plastic Arts Groups Delphos, Amalgam and Azimuth. Honorable mention prize money Jorge Volio organized by the COLYPRO.

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